Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oops, late update due to minecraft.

Heh, I accidently threw off a couple days of minecraft due to what began as a rainforest fire and ended up being a major colonization of 4 islands. More on this later.

Anyway, as stated last time I ate cheese while having a fever and went to sleep. Nasty shit, it was one dream where for once I did not control, and it went on for the whole night. It began with me arriving in Gensokyo. There is a twist, the Gatekeeper quest from Oblivion expansion: The Shivering Isles, the one were you have to kill him, the setting from that. Reimu was the gatekeeper, and instead of killing her, I had to sneak past. I snuck past her and ended up in the Scarlet Devil Mansion as a maid. A majority of the dream was spent just cleaning the whole mansion with Sakuya. No words were exchanged throughout the entire dream. Towards the end I wandered down into the basement and was killed by Flan.

Back to Minecraft.  A major reason why at first I wasn't wild about the halloween update was the fact that leaves did not go away on their own like they did. I deforested the area around my starting zone, and stored the access wood in a small underground bunker I usually build first. I did not know that fire now leaps to various targets, which it did. Needless to say, I soon found the entire area in flames with no way to stop it. I said fuck it and climbed a near by mountain, where I saw that I was on a small island capable of supporting 3 villages. Fortunately there was a large enough break in the tree line to stop the fire from spreading to parts of the island. Using the wood, I made a small base to protect against creepers. I broke into a large shaft while mining coal, and spent around 20 hours irl exploring it. The net of that was around 2 stacks of iron, 2 double chests of cobblestone, several stacks of red stone, and 5 diamonds. 3 blocks of gold were also able to be made from the riches.

Now I am exploring hell itself and getting some hellstone for lighting in the villages that have yet to be built (walls are there, but I've been mining.)

Guess I am just autistic.


  1. I don't really understand the appeal of minecraft.... maybe I'll check it out. :/

  2. You haven't disappeared have you?
